You Are a Badass
Jen Sincero
Contributed by Micheal Celestin
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Chapter 6-9

Believing that we are not capable or not good enough is one of the major obstacles to personal growth. Seemingly, many people take in ideas and all sorts of content that seek to dim and diminish their feelings of self-understanding and self-worth. While other people may well have an opinion on us, it is what we feel about ourselves that propels us to glory and happiness. She says that "When we’re happy and all in love with ourselves, we can’t be bothered with the bullshit (our own or other people’s).” In many instances, people cannot even sleep over what someone has said about them. If we believe in ourselves, Sincero says, there is nothing that will happen to us with regards to what people might say. Thus, Sincero says that the most critical aspect of success is to appreciate how special you are.

Sincero continues with her attempts to convince people not to be too engrossed in what others think of them. There are many times when people say nasty things about us, and we focus a lot on them. Notably, even strangers who know nothing about us will find an excuse to voice their opinions. Sincero gives her honest opinion on this matter "Do not waste your precious time giving one single crap about what anybody else thinks of you” It cannot be any clearer than Sincero has put it. Bothering so much and getting sleepless nights over what other people are saying is not helpful at all. However, it is necessary for everyone to act based on truth and fairness. Most importantly, people need to be aware that they are personally responsible for their actions. She says, "You are responsible for what you say and do. You are not responsible for whether or not people freak out about it.” In the event where a person is convinced that he is doing the right thing, moving ahead is the most desirable thing.

Sincero says that the clarity of purpose of a person’s existence is necessary for personal happiness. For any course of action, one needs to have a clear understanding of the expected outcome. However, there are many people who do not understand the purpose of their existence and that contributes to the frustration that most people are facing. Sincero says that "Getting clear about what your unique purpose is can be the difference between living a happy, fulfilled life of abundance, choice, and expansiveness or living in the restrictive pen of your own indecision and tired old excuses.”  Sincero also says that while thinking is good, it is only through action that change can occur. A step in the right direction is necessary for the beginning of a journey towards self-accomplishment and happiness.

Don’t reinvent the wheel! While other people are exerting a lot of effort to develop new ways of doing things, these are ways that have never been tested and that may lead to devastating results. Sincero says that reinventing the wheels is not a solution to the problems that many people are going through in life. It is essential to note that it is possible to do the things that other people have been doing to succeed in life. For there to be an improvement in the way we live, it is necessary to look at the small details that have defined their success.


Sincero presents some incredibly powerful messages in this segment. The primary intention of this chapter is to help individuals realize the strength inside themselves and their capability. Perhaps it is borne out of the idea that a significant number of people do not realize their own potential. The initial recommendation that Sincero suggests is self-love. ‘Love who you are,'. Many people spend a lot of time whining and complaining about all manner of things that they don’t have and any personal deficiencies. It is incredibly important to realize that the beginning of happiness is the appreciation of self-worth and importance. In the absence of this, life would be gloomy and full of tribulations and frustrations.

Many people seem to be struggling to be like other people. They think that they have certain deficiencies that they need to resolve. Sincero says that these are some of the examples where the subconscious mind has been polluted. In many instances, a lot of people are influenced by what other people say about them, and that drives home the idea that they are lacking in some aspects of their lives. The moment individuals weigh themselves on the scales of what others have to say about them, sadness and destruction will ensue. Thus, Sincero advises that the best way to be happy is to avoid listening to the negative and adverse comments from other quarters.

Objectivity and purpose are other hallmarks of a happy life. Purpose gives direction and helps to build confidence. For all that people do, for all the decisions that they make, it is necessary for them to make sure that they have purpose. In addition to this, having an excellent attitude plays an incredible role in the creation of personal happiness. Sincero records that, "Having a good attitude and being grateful for all the things that are helping you live the life of your dreams, will not only make your life a more pleasant place to be, and get you bigger tips, but it will also raise your frequency and attract people and opportunities to you that will take you in the direction you want to go.” For people with great attitudes, the opportunities are boundless. However, for those with undesirable attitudes, life can be cruel and devastating. Most importantly, Sincero advises that people need to follow their intuitions. Everyone should be under obligations to act in ways that would make them happy as opposed to concentrating making other people happy while they remain mired in disappointment. There are many people who have solely acted to please others, only for them to regret the opportunities that they didn’t take. 

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