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this was forced on me. Note: Because you are getting the essay questions early


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1) Discuss the changes in funerary practice from the Submycenaean period to the end of the Late Geometric period. How are these changes interpreted to votives etc.) the basic elements of a sanctuary and any buildings in it. 4) During the time from the Submycenaean through the early Archaic period what evidence do we have for the influence of non-Greek cultures on the material culture of the Greeks? Examples might include the introduction of tec artistic motifs or other items which have foreign prototypes. There will NOT be a problem option on this exam although there will be on the final exam. The reason for this absence relates directly to the need for a particular type of essay to demonstrate a par I have correspondingly higher expectations for your answers. The best way to study for the non-problem essays is to make a very detailed study outline ” which is a prescription for a weak answer. For example on the last exam if I had been writing on the Neolithic Period my study outline might have started like this: I. Intro A. Lasts from 6800 to 3200 BC B. Sees the transition from hunter-gatherers to active producer not domesticated in Greece itself B. Plants-Cereal grains like wheat and barley; legumes like vetch and lentils C. Animals-sheep goats cattle pigs. Dogs had been domesticated much earlier D. Domestication creates changes in form of seeds and animal bones that can be identified III. Settleme not moving around. Example of a major settlement is Sesklo. B. Neolithic settlements fairly small only for populations in hundreds. No cities. C. Creation of permanent houses made of mud-brick on stone socles with timber-framed roofs covered with t usually 1-3 rooms


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